Taking a Break
The Pastors’ Press is breaking this week for Vacation Bible School. If you haven’t followed since the very beginning then you might go back through the original...
The Pastors’ Press is breaking this week for Vacation Bible School. If you haven’t followed since the very beginning then you might go back through the original...
Over the course of years in counseling I have come across various articles that are ‘keepers.’ One of those articles is by David Powlison of the Christian Couns...
It is my intention (Deo Volente) to take a break from our normal Old Testament exposition in our Lord’s Day Evening service, especially since we have just compl...
An army rallies itself. They prepare for a coming onrush: establishing a chain of command, appointing accountability, training vigorously, building fortificatio...
One of the great wastes of time in our culture is that of being constantly updated with news. And many of the sources we go to for news also include – not just ...
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in this Sunday morning’s (June 14) worship service. Each time we partake we are to fix our gaze squarely on th...
As we launch into summer with its mix of vacations, leisure, and various ambitious projects, give some reflection to how summer serves the kingdom of God. My wi...
Lewis Quotes Most of you are aware that I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis. Oh, I know that Lewis had some theological issues and it’s not my intention to suggest tha...
The congregation of WRPC, led by the elders, celebrated our first 15 years last Sunday afternoon. Lots of very complimentary things were said about us. Generous...
Where are you with your marriage? It’s a hard question because a marriage is a moving target. It involves two people and often a whole family. The persons invol...