What’s Your Worldview?

9781433538926In Sunday School recently I mentioned a book that I found a most interesting and entertaining – and informative! – read. It’s by James Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC.

The book is entitled, Whats Your World View?  An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions. The author has chosen a somewhat unique approach to assisting the reader in answering this question. Turning to the first page, the reader examines the text and then answers a ‘yes or no’ question. Depending on the answer, the reader is instructed to turn to another page. The process goes on until the series of questions leads the reader to his worldview.

Once the reader has been ‘labeled’ the author gives a short summary and critique of the worldview and gives the reader a chance to change his mind. If he does, he is instructed to go back to specific page and alter the answer to his question. And, as you might suppose, the process goes on from there until he is brought to another worldview conclusion.

Of course, the reader will want to venture back numerous times or just jump to the last section and read through all the worldviews but it is still worthwhile going through the process Dr. Anderson proposes as a good tool for apologetic questioning, overall listing twenty-one worldviews with a short critique of each.

This book would be a great evangelism tool for your family or friends. Why not pick up a copy – or two – or three?

Dan Dodds
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Dan Dodds
Dan is a native of Detroit, Michigan; a graduate of Hillsdale College in Michigan and Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Dan has worked in the financial area as a CPA and controller as well as in international business and sales. In 1995 Dan entered into the ministry in a Florida church as Sr. High and Singles Pastor. In 2001 he was brought on staff at Woodruff Road. Dan and his wife Christy have two daughters, Anna and Jenna and two sons, Will and Wyatt.