The Basics of Parenting: Requiring Obedience
I was first introduced to John Piper’s writings when I was a seminarian and his marvelous book on Romans 9 fell into my hands. I have appreciated him ever since...
I was first introduced to John Piper’s writings when I was a seminarian and his marvelous book on Romans 9 fell into my hands. I have appreciated him ever since...
I was recently asked about resources for kids on the topic of apologetics. Since I thought others might benefit from it, I pass it along to you. This is not com...
One of the scariest verses in the Bible for husbands is found in 1 Peter 3:7: “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor t...
In a recent edition of the The Atlantic (2015) authors Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt wrote an article entitled “The Coddling of the American Mind” in which ...
Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church is a confessional church. That means we have a confession of faith: a formal, written creed, to which all ministers, elders an...
Tim Challies has written the post I would like to have written. Pop over to his blog for an excellent encouragement towards simplicity and persistence in family...
You know the phrase, “The elephant in the room”? We use it to refer to issues obvious to everyone but studiously ignored because if it gets brought up, people a...