Don’t (want to) know much about history…
In John Oswalt’s book, “The Bible Among the Myths,” he writes that “a common feature of myths is a specific disinterest in what we know as history…” This truth ...
In John Oswalt’s book, “The Bible Among the Myths,” he writes that “a common feature of myths is a specific disinterest in what we know as history…” This truth ...
The other day I read the following verses to my kids from the book of John 12:1-8 Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was w...
I mentioned in a previous post that I enjoy listening to Al Mohler’s ( blog almost daily for his Christian perspective on the news – they are u...
Paragraphs 7-10 of Chapter 1 of the WCF deal with the issue of Scripture “perspicuity” and “authority”. Paragraph 7 teaches us that some Scriptures are more dif...
In his perhaps underappreciated book, Idols for Destruction, Herbert Schlossberg wrote the following: “One of the chief errors in Ayn Rand’s philosophy is her i...
Continuing in our look at the Westminster Confession of Faith and Counseling, we come to Chapter 1 Paragraph 6 – which is chocked full of helpful information: W...
I was recently asked about resources for kids on the topic of apologetics. Since I thought others might benefit from it, I pass it along to you. This is not com...
In a recent edition of the The Atlantic (2015) authors Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt wrote an article entitled “The Coddling of the American Mind” in which ...
One of the better resources in counseling outside of the Scripture and Westminster (see other posts) is the book Peacemaker by Ken Sande. Over time I will be sh...