Should We Counsel Unbelievers?
Continuing in our look at the Westminster Standards for counseling we come to paragraph 5 of chapter 1 as follows: WCF 1:5 We may be moved and induced by the te...
Continuing in our look at the Westminster Standards for counseling we come to paragraph 5 of chapter 1 as follows: WCF 1:5 We may be moved and induced by the te...
More than one person has asked me my thoughts on whether a Christian should practice Yoga. As is often the case, others – more articulate than I – have addresse...
Paragraph 4 of the Westminster Confession of Faith chapter one reads: The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, depend...
In light of the recent Obergefell decision in which the Supreme (sic) Court attempted to redefine marriage, I was reminded of a quote by Dorothy Sayers. The quo...
I was mulling over the Bruce Jenner situation – you know, the decathlete who now ‘identifies as a woman’ – and the Rachel A. Dolezal story, the white woman who ...
Over the course of years in counseling I have come across various articles that are ‘keepers.’ One of those articles is by David Powlison of the Christian Couns...
One of the great wastes of time in our culture is that of being constantly updated with news. And many of the sources we go to for news also include – not just ...
Lewis Quotes Most of you are aware that I am a big fan of C.S. Lewis. Oh, I know that Lewis had some theological issues and it’s not my intention to suggest tha...
In Sunday School recently I mentioned a book that I found a most interesting and entertaining – and informative! – read. It’s by James Anderson, Associate Profe...
I recently heard a lecture by Michael Kruger (President of RTS Charlotte and yes, husband of our WRPC ladies conference speaker!) that I found very helpful and ...